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Leigh Rocks the Return to Normal-ish

Last updated on November 26, 2023

Leigh has totally rocked her return to campus and even added her first major activity outside school: playing in a rock band. Her first show will even be in a local bar known for live music. Living in Austin, the home of “Austin City Limits” and SXSW, performing in a popular venue is pretty cool.

After being homeschooled through third and fourth grades, as well as a good portion of second grade, we didn’t know how well Leigh would integrate back into the school routines. We also worried about her social skills.

It turns out homeschooling kept Leigh on track with her classmates. She’s in the “top groups” in her math and English classes. She is earning A grades in all subjects. Socially, she’s made a few friends who are also interested in reading, art, and music.

Autism, ADHD, and her other differences? Not a problem at all. Leigh also wears a back brace for scoliosis and glasses for rather poor vision. She removes the brace in the nurse’s office before physical education class and sometimes before recess so she can run about and play.

Leigh has a 504 Plan, not an IEP (Individualized Education Program). She also has a good team of fifth-grade teachers supporting her. The school is meeting her needs, and she’s adapting as necessary to a world that doesn’t quite align with disabilities.

Sure, teachers, staff, and other parents see some differences and sense others, but most people attribute her awkwardness to being a shy bookworm. Leigh’s fine with that.

Leigh recently applied to join the school robotics team. The application was three pages. Our school district has won state and national championships in robotics; joining the team is highly competitive. Leigh needed to write about her technology skills, rate her leadership traits, and obtain recommendations from two teachers.

Susan and I weren’t sure Leigh would be selected. Only six students are on a robotics team. We were impressed that she was chosen and proud of her.

Leigh is thriving in fifth grade. She’s taking swim lessons at the YMCA, playing in a School of Rock band, building robots, preparing for “StarBase” camp, and more. She even applied to join the chess club.

The schools do “Career and College Wednesdays.” With all the normal enthusiasm of a fifth grader, she’s declared her intention to become a veterinarian. She currently dreams of attending Texas A&M. That might, and probably will, change. Having the goal drives her to work hard in school.

I’m proud of Leigh and what she has accomplished. She’s our rock star.

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