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The Autistic Me

Podcast Episode 093 – Kathy Carter, Thriving Autistic

Podcast 0093, Season 6, Episode 3; 4 October 2022 Hypnotherapist Kathy Carter From Kathy Carter: Kathy Carter is a UK-based online therapist serving a predominantly autistic client case. She trained with the UK College of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, a leading training provider specializing in cognitive-behavioral theory and practice. Kathy is…

Leigh’s Unwavering Confidence Confronting Myopia

As of today, Leigh is wearing special contact lenses for degenerative myopia. She has high-end sunglasses to wear with those contacts, too. With the MiSight contacts and her sunglasses, Leigh can see with 20/20 vision. I cannot express what a relief it is that she can see well again. School…

Podcast Episode 092 – Carolina Gutierrez on ADHD and Entrepreneurship

Podcast 0092, Season 6, Episode 2; 6 September 2022 Carolina Gutierrez on ADHD and Entrepreneurship  When advocates discuss Neurodiversity, we include ADHD alongside autism, and many autistics also have ADHD diagnoses. As this audience knows, my daughters and I all have ADHD diagnoses. Our struggles differ, however, because ADHD takes…

K12 School IEPs and Independent Evaluations

It sometimes seems that schools want to make it impossible to obtain supports for our students. Every child has a legal right to a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE); sometimes, an assessment determines which supports ensure an appropriate education. Unfortunately, school district evaluations can be superficial and incomplete. There is…

Podcast Episode 091 – Back to School, Back to Special Education Advocacy

Podcast 0091, Season 6, Episode 1; 16 August 2022 Back to School Each school year begins with preemptively contacting the teachers, administrators, and special education coordinators to ensure our daughters receive the supports necessary for success. My wife and I know that we need to communicate early, and clearly, to…