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Tag: teaching

Composing an Academic Response

Good Summary Concise Complete Objective Accurate Coherent Author’s Assumptions Explicit opinions: What is bluntly stated by the author. Statements of fact/truth: What must be assumed to accept the selected facts? Any biases or prejudices expressed or implied. Responding to Opinions To what does the expressed opinion relate? What is the…

Academic Writing as a Rhetorical Process

There are two parallel sets of processes involved in academic composition: the mechanical and the rhetorical. The mechanical processes are those that produce writing. The rhetorical processes are those that refine ideas and their presentation to an audience. You cannot separate these activities because each act of writing reflects rhetorical…

Bloom’s Taxonomy for Educational Objectives

Benjamin S. Bloom studied the cognitive development of students. In 1956, he published “Bloom’s Taxonomy” for cognitive abstraction. Abstraction is the ability of an individual to deal with concepts. Early in life, we understand the concrete world: things we can touch, see, and even smell. We rely upon our senses…