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Never Being Normal Is Better

Last updated on November 26, 2023

As I compile my notes for essays and a book, I realize how much easier it is to be considered “different” your entire life versus a late-in-life diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) or High-Functioning Autism (HFA). The more I read about and communicate with AS students and adults, the more I appreciate their unique experiences. I was never considered normal, so my eccentricities were tolerated. Independent study was offered more than once, which I loved.

When you are perceived as perfectly normal, I imagine things must be more difficult. No one believes you when you complain about sounds, smells, textures, or colors. You’re considered moody or depressed. Any difficulties in class are confused with learning disabilities or ADD.

Being disabled from birth, and having physical challenges that were more obvious than my different neurology, meant at least people had to admit and accept that I wasn’t normal.

Being “gifted” after the second grade also meant there were different expectations. You can be odd or quirky and people accept it.

At least no one expected normalcy from me.


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