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Back Online, Blog Contents Restored

The 2023 Thanksgiving Holiday began with a complete reset of our server. It has taken me most of the week to restore the posts that were online, without any spiffy images. Images will return as time permits.

The last few years have been an adventure. Blogging often assumes a lower priority than parenting or teaching. Maybe the reset of the server will encourage me to get some unreleased posts out for the world to read.

Thoughts fill my mind, yet I haven’t diligently recorded those thoughts.

I now teach at a state university, a major research institution with resources I lacked throughout the pandemic. It’s nice to teach, research, and write from within the ivory towers again. It is a tower: my office is on the fifth floor with a beautiful view.

Almost Classical matters to me; I use the blog and social media to ponder new ideas and reconsider my previous thoughts. Lately, I’ve been asking a lot of questions about my naivete. In 2016, I was confident things were bad, but not so bad as to justify panic. Now, panic seems justified.

Those of us dedicated to Enlightenment-based liberalism, and especially those of us with a libertarian bias, cannot dismiss the last few years as mere aberrations. It seems the people of many nations embrace nationalism, cult-like populism, and a cacophony of conspiracies. To assume absurd ideas cannot survive in the marketplace of ideas is a dangerous conceit.

I look forward to reviewing what I wrote and preparing new content.