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To learn more about the Rhetoric of Economics and economics in general, consult the following resources:

Project Gutenberg. A great collection of public domain texts, including the classics of philosophy, rhetoric, and economics.

Mises Institute Library. Decent, though biased and prone to hagiography, a general overview of Ludwig von Mises’ version of Austrian Economics, often embraced by libertarians in the United States. Considered a “right-leaning” form of libertarianism.

Books to Read

For the left-leaning libertarianism common to Europe:

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Economics Journal Watch. Surveys the leading academic journals in the field of economics.

National Bureau of Economic Research. A source for working papers by academic and government economists.

Classically Liberal and Libertarian Organizations

Adam Smith Institute.

Cato Institute.

Foundation for Economic Education.

Mercatus Center.

Mises Institute.

List of Blogs and News Sources

Policy Think Tanks

Government Data Sources

State Data Sources

Federal Reserve and Banking