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Texas is Our Final Destination

Last updated on November 26, 2023

Susan and I have made three major moves to reset our lives, taking us from California to Minnesota to Pennsylvania… and, finally, to Texas.

We moved to Texas expecting that I’d teach high school technology and business courses. The girls would have a fresh start at a new school. Best of all, we’d never experience a harsh winter again.

Every move has gone sideways shortly after arriving. In some ways, the Texas move’s challenges have been the roughest. A medical emergency that turned out to be diabetes (and a related spike in heart rate and blood pressure) disrupted my career reset. A freak winter freeze cause a lot of stress. Our girls’ first year in school here was interrupted by COVID-19.

Our first two years in Texas were too interesting.

Yet, it was a good move. We love where we live. The community is wonderful. The home and yard are taking shape. The girls are doing as well as can be expected during a pandemic. We’re a family and we’re doing well.

Hopefully our third year in Texas will be much less interesting.

We have friends and family in the state, though we haven’t been able to visit anyone for a year. Post-pandemic, we will be able to explore Texas. Let’s hope that we’ll be taking family trips in the year ahead.

The girls cannot wait to visit the theme parks, the Gulf Coast, the state parks, and more.

This reset has been a good beginning for our family.

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