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Category: Employment

Posts on the employment challenges faced by autistics.

Podcast Episode 109 – Mark Lyons and SammySocksEtc

Podcast 0109; Season 7, Episode 2; 29 August 2023 How can parents support their disabled children into adulthood? Will our children find meaningful places in society? Sadly, workplaces don’t always accommodate differences. Mark Lyons and his wife Sally are former teachers. With their son Samuel, they operate SammySocksEtc, an online…

Podcast Episode 103 – Josh Stehle is a Superhero Expert

Podcast 0103, Season 6, Episode 13; 30 May 2023 Josh Stehle, Superhero Expert Josh Stehle is an autism author, speaker, advocate, and leader from Philadelphia, PA. His debut book, I am a Superhero Expert, explores autism awareness from his perspective as the brother of Zach Stehle, an autistic young adult.…

Podcast Episode 095 – Artist Michaell Magrutsche

Podcast 0095; Season 6, Episode 5; 29 November 2022 Michaell Magrutsche Michaell Magrutsche is truly a multimedia artist: a painter, photographer, music composer, digital artist, and author. A former Newport Beach, California, arts commissioner, Michaell promotes the value of public art. He is also the author of five books and…

Prioritizing Family, Because I Have a Price

If I were not home, our children would still require supplemental supports. Those are expensive and not fully covered by insurance. At home, I am the provider of physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, reading supports, behavioral intervention, and much more. Mothers (and fathers) knew this before the pandemic. Special…

Podcast Episode 092 – Carolina Gutierrez on ADHD and Entrepreneurship

Podcast 0092, Season 6, Episode 2; 6 September 2022 Carolina Gutierrez on ADHD and Entrepreneurship  When advocates discuss Neurodiversity, we include ADHD alongside autism, and many autistics also have ADHD diagnoses. As this audience knows, my daughters and I all have ADHD diagnoses. Our struggles differ, however, because ADHD takes…