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Podcast Episode 095 – Artist Michaell Magrutsche

Last updated on November 26, 2023

Podcast 0095; Season 6, Episode 5; 29 November 2022

Michaell Magrutsche

Michaell Magrutsche is truly a multimedia artist: a painter, photographer, music composer, digital artist, and author. A former Newport Beach, California, arts commissioner, Michaell promotes the value of public art. He is also the author of five books and a podcast producer.

Michaell describes himself as an “outside the box” thinker. He often explores the paradox of why 95% of worldwide artists exist at the poverty level. Why are artists expected to be proud of being poor? Without creativity, including the arts, there would be no man-made systems. Without art, there would be no world as we know it.

Michaell seeks to discover patterns within art that foster creative communication. He also identifies “art values” outside any system, which raises our human potential.

Essay: How Can Systems Make Us Sub-Human? The Rediscovering of Our Human Worth and Our Inherent Superpowers


Welcome to Perspectives on Neurodiversity, a podcast dedicated to challenging myths and assumptions about Neurodiverse life. I am your host, Christopher Scott Wyatt, speaking as The Autistic Me.

Some interviews for this season were recorded before I rebranded the podcast. I continue to blog as The Autistic Me, and that name will continue to be the social media handle for the blog and this podcast.

Subscribe to Perspectives on Neurodiversity on your favorite podcasting platform. I hope you enjoy — and learn from — our discussions.

Hello and welcome to The Autistic Me Podcast. I am your host, Christopher Scott Wyatt.

I know many Neurodiverse artists, my oldest daughter among them. And though I’m not a natural talent, I enjoy sketching and painting. Art isn’t about perfection or fitting into a system. Art is about expressing yourself, in your own creative way.

Michaell Magrutsche is truly a multimedia artist: a painter, photographer, music composer, digital artist, and author. A former Newport Beach, California, arts commissioner, Michaell promotes the value of public art. He is also the author of five books and a podcast producer.

{in progress}

I hope you enjoyed this episode of Perspectives on Neurodiversity. Remember to subscribe to the podcast, and please leave a review if you found the discussion useful.

Don’t forget to read The Autistic Me blog and follow my posts on social media. Look for “Autistic Me” as one word on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Links to The Autistic Me on social media are included in the show notes.

I am Christopher Scott Wyatt, speaking as The Autistic Me.

The Autistic Me

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