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Topic Suggestions from Autistic Me Followers

Last updated on November 26, 2023

Followers of The Autistic Me blog and podcast send along emails and direct social media messages with topic suggestions and questions. Many of these, I have answered in the past. I try to address private questions when asked, as well.

What questions should I be addressing? Which topics are valuable to readers and listeners?

As I have stated several times, the questions tend to involve relationships, education, and employment.

Sometimes I might get a question about diet, causes of autism, or sensory challenges.

Relationship questions range from “How do you make friends?” to “Do you and your wife enjoy sex?” Most of these questions about relationships come from parents. I often suggest that parents ask the autistic person directly and talk. Too often, what the parent wants or fears isn’t even on the mind of the autistic teen or adult.

Education questions tend to focus on supports, from elementary school through graduate degrees. “What should the autistic study?” is an oddly common question. Again, why not let the autistic decide, unless something is truly outside that person’s abilities. There are no “autistic” majors in college, regardless of stereotypes.

And employment questions range from “How can my child find work?” to “Should I disclose I’m autistic or disabled on my application?”


I’ve written about our marriage many times on this blog. I’ve done podcasts on choosing to be parents.

What else could people want to know?


On education, I’ve written about how difficult graduate school was. It took me several tries to finally complete a master’s degree. The doctorate was a struggle, too. School, the formal institutional processes, presents a challenge.

Learning? I love learning. I dislike school.

Our daughters have had IEP (Individualized Education Plan)  and 504 supports in elementary school. I’ve been on special education committees as a teacher.

Again, what would be interesting for the blog or podcast?


Oh, I hate job hunting. I dislike it and it presents all sorts of social challenges. I’ve blogged about workplaces, too.

I probably am the least qualified to offer career advice to anyone else. I have no career, only jobs.

Still, what is there that I should address on the blog or podcast?

Send Questions and Suggestions

Send your questions and suggestions to me, and I’ll do what I can to address the topics.

A follower did notice that I didn’t address a question on the blog that was asked. Some of the questions, especially the more personal ones, require some consideration. I am unsure what is or isn’t appropriate for the blog or podcast.

Virtual Appearances

Yes, I will do virtual video appearances. Since there’s no travel or other expenses involved, just ask and I’ll do what I can around my parenting and teaching schedules.

Thank you for following The Autistic Me.

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