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Weighty Concerns Amid the Pandemic

Last updated on November 26, 2023

Since August, I’ve lost a bit more than ten pounds.

In a pandemic, without going to a gym, without a major change in diet, I am losing weight.

We do eat relatively healthy meals. I also ride an exercise bike at least six miles daily. Many days, I ride twice, for a total of 12 miles or more. That’s not a new routine, though.

The doctor I talked to via telemedicine scheduled labs. Overall, my diabetes was under control and everything else seemed okay. She ordered a Cologuard test to rule out colon cancer.

The test returned two positive results.

Concerned, the next step was a colonoscopy and endoscopy with four biopsies. Thankfully, the biopsies were negative for cancer. There was still a lot of anxiety between the Cologuard positive results and the biopsy results.

And so, today, I had a full physical.

No major signs of diabetes-related problems. My blood pressure was perfect. Everything was good.

Then the doctor observed, “You’re shrinking. That’s a lot of weight loss.”

That would be why I was concerned.

Another set of lab tests. Seven large test tubes of blood were drawn.

I’m under 170 pounds, the lightest I’ve been in 20 years. My neck size, which for years was 17 to 18 inches, is now a bit under 16 inches. My waist, however, has not shrunk nearly as much as I would have hoped. I’m a tad disappointed with that.

This might not make sense if you aren’t a pet owner, but every time one of our pets started to lose weight it was a bad sign. Usually, it was cancer. That’s on the back of my mind, still.

Something isn’t right, but we don’t know what. I hope we get answers soon.

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