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Christmas 2023 Alone and Working

Last updated on December 28, 2023

I spent Christmas 2023 at home alone. Susan, Leigh, and Anne are in California, visiting family.

My anxiety spikes when I’m alone. I worry about all the things that might go wrong because, too often, things have gone wrong while Susan and I were apart. From flooding basements, kidney stones, and pet emergencies. Things seem to go awry when I’m alone.

I also realize the girls need to visit their grandparents. My father-in-law and my parents appreciate seeing the girls once or twice a year, too. We want the girls to know they have an extended family that cares about them.

After Susan and the girls left, I went shopping for stocking goodies. I’ll probably need two stockings per girl. Without the girls at home, I’m going to do all I can to give them a special delayed Christmas. I’m going to set up the old tree, get out some of our random decorations, and go wild with the holiday spirit.

Eight or nine trees around the house? That’s not too many. One in each girl’s room. Susan has a tiny tree in her office. I’ll cram the others in the great room, in the library/crafting area.

I’m heading to some sales this week, too, because Susan would like something from the local sporting goods store. Half-price sales after Christmas present (pun) a great opportunity to grab the bargains.

Anne and Leigh are everything to me. I’m not going all out on Christmas because I want to them to associate things with how much we love them. Instead, I want them to see the ornaments with their names on them and the family ornaments with all our names. I want them to smile and understand how much they mean to us, more than any gifts under the trees.

We’re not a religious family. We don’t go to church or hold deep religious beliefs. But the holidays matter to me because they are about friends, family, and loving others. The holidays remind us to give what we can, including our time and energy. The girls know that “Rule One” in our house is, “Be kind.” Before doing anything or making any choice, ask if it follows Rule One. We keep our rules short and simple, easy to remember even if they aren’t always easy to follow.

I don’t do well alone, but Rule One means the girls should be somewhere else. Going to California was for the grandparents. We told the girls that was their gift to the family. Being there was the most important part of Christmas.

I’ll survive being alone (assuming no major emergencies).

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