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Tag: children

Podcast Episode 085 – My Life Beyond… Illustrator Hey Gee

Podcast Episode 0085, Season 5, Episode 16; 29 March 2022 My Life Beyond… Illustrator Hey Gee Chatting with designer Hey Gee was a lot of fun. We even managed to record a podcast episode! I do judge books by their covers. I’m also a fan of all manner of graphic…

Parenting Our Children and ‘Helpful’ Advice

Unsolicited advice comes from many directions, including from other autistics. “You just need to be more patient.” “You probably don’t understand your daughters’ Neurodiversity.” “You might not know the difference between a tantrum and a meltdown.” Our many failings as parents have been documented and relayed to us by teachers,…

Officially Homeschooling for 2020-21, Will Post Updates

We’re officially a homeschooling household. We notified the school district, in writing and via email, and we enrolled in a homeschooling curriculum. The COVID-19 pandemic has meant that since March, we’ve been “homeschooling” anyway. The remote learning provided by our daughters’ school was the best they could do in an…