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Life is Good, Even If I Don’t Say So!

Last updated on November 26, 2023

Because I tend to observe the negatives around me, people assume I am a negative person. It probably doesn’t help that I don’t speak about the positives nearly often enough. I sometimes assume the good things are obvious to everyone and don’t need to be said. Who needs me to say that life is okay, for the most part? If you need to be reminded that you woke up and were still alive, that strikes me as kind of odd.

If you are alive, that’s a good start to the day.

I admit, there are some things that really bother me. I hate most vibration, strong smells, and itchy clothing. I dislike “ignorance by choice” and any form of feigned stupidity. Yes, I’m hard to comprehend and can seem unhappy when I’m not, but noticing things that should be changed doesn’t mean I overlook how many things are good.

Overall, though, I like a lot more things than I dislike.

Who doesn’t like chocolate? Flowers? Oceans, rivers, and streams? Cool mornings? Most of all, how could someone not love cute furry pets? Oh, and bunnies munching rhubarb.

I love simple things. I think if people would simplify more in life, they’d be happier. When you get down, drink a smoothie and eat some chocolate.

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