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COVID-19, Social Distancing, Medical Appointments

Last updated on November 26, 2023

And so the “Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID-19) has led to the cancellation of my medical appointments (including a minor surgery) , the closure of our YMCA, an extended spring break for our daughters, runs on basic grocery items, a national toilet paper shortage (that isn’t real, but caused by panic), quarantines, and city lockdowns.

Most autistics I know don’t mind all the social distancing. We are introverts, or at best extroverts who became introverts thanks to people.

I’m teaching online and homeschooling our daughters. When errands must be run, I’ll be the one handling those because I do get stir crazy after too long inside. It isn’t that I seek social interaction, but I like to walk outside and see the sunshine.

Postponing surgery bothers me because I was at least somewhat prepared for the surgery and recovery. My blood sugar is steady, my weight is right where it belongs, and I feel okay. Delays only reset the stress I had worked to overcome. Maybe I can maintain good health and feel much better about where I am physically.

None of my health issues are emergencies. My knee? It can wait. My epithelial tears and scarring? It can wait. Everything can wait, technically. I might be in pain and discomfort from the knee injury (which surely raises my blood pressure), but it isn’t life-threatening.

Getting to see doctors after this scare won’t be easy. There will be a backlog of postponed procedures. There will be exams delayed, and routine care that has to be scheduled for thousands of people. What a mess.

It seems strange to consider getting back to the podcast, but I do plan to use the time to get some episodes recorded and ready to release. Talking about anything but COVID-19 seems like I’m ignoring reality.

Take care of yourself. Exercise (indoors if you must, or in your backyard). Pause and relax. COVID-19 forces everyone to consider their physical and mental health.

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