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Tag: emotions

Podcast Episode 105 – Marinda K Dennis on Loss

Podcast 0105, Season 6, Episode 15; 20 June 2023 Loss, and its accompanying trauma, alter our minds. The neurodiversity of PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder, illustrates how stress alters us. For autistics who rely on stability and routines, losing friends and family results in multiple traumas. In this episode, Marinda Dennis…

Parenting Our Children and ‘Helpful’ Advice

Unsolicited advice comes from many directions, including from other autistics. “You just need to be more patient.” “You probably don’t understand your daughters’ Neurodiversity.” “You might not know the difference between a tantrum and a meltdown.” Our many failings as parents have been documented and relayed to us by teachers,…

Disabled by Autistic Traits… and It’s Nobody’s Fault

“The world isn’t designed for the neurodiverse,” is a claim I read over and over on social media. “It’s made for neurotypicals.” Another variation uses “autistics” and “allistics” instead of neurodiverse and neurotypical, but not every non-autistic (allistic) is neurotypical, so I’m not sure that works as well at conveying…