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Empathy and Writing

Last updated on November 26, 2023

Writing for stage requires some understanding of the motivations and emotions of the characters that appear before an audience. Sometimes you also have to appreciate unseen characters that either shaped or continue to shape events and other characters. Writing, therefore, is exercise in empathy and more.

If you cannot imagine how others feel, you cannot write effective dialogue. You must think like another person, and that person might be “good” or “bad” in ways the writer is not.

My writing process includes research, interviews, and working with a dramaturg. I recognize that I miss things, especially when what people say isn’t what they mean. By working with collaborators, I learn more about people and writer better stories.

I was asked if my autistic traits make me a better, or worse, writer. I have no idea. What makes me a small success is that I listen to people and try to incorporate the best suggestions I receive into my works. I listen to the actors, director, dramaturg, tech crews, and audiences. I learn what I have overlooked and try to improve my craft.

It isn’t autism that makes me a better writer. It is knowing my limits that makes me a good craftsman and maybe an artist.

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