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Tag: homeschooling

Pandemic Parenting Continues as Creative Me Fades Away

Another late night of trying to balance the homeschooling summer routine, my projects, and some volunteer work. It’s after 1 a.m. and I’ve been working on the 2021-22 school plans for the girls, organizing long-overdue blog updates, watching movies for AutFest Texas 2021, and hoping that I might some night…

Podcast Episode 065 – Pandemic Parenting and a Hope for Normal

Podcast Episode 0065; Season 04, Episode 29; June 1, 2021 Throughout the experience of pandemic parenting, I held onto the hope for productivity. However, my focus quickly shifted from my creative works to educating my daughters and their needs have remained my primary concern. As the pandemic seems to be waning,…

Homeschooling Update: Defining Expectations

During the summers, we maintain “summer enrichment” activities for our daughters. With schooling forced online in March 2020, we’ve done all we can to simply remain steady and consistent throughout this summer. When the official school year ended, we maintained the daily routine of lessons, worksheets, reading, and activities. To…

Officially Homeschooling for 2020-21, Will Post Updates

We’re officially a homeschooling household. We notified the school district, in writing and via email, and we enrolled in a homeschooling curriculum. The COVID-19 pandemic has meant that since March, we’ve been “homeschooling” anyway. The remote learning provided by our daughters’ school was the best they could do in an…

COVID-19: Parenting, Teaching, and Shelter-in-Place

Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) has resulted in a shelter-in-place order for our county in Central Texas. As an autistic parent and teacher, I’m not bothered by the order to remain home as much as possible. This is my preferred routine, anyway, with some exceptions. My wife and I are introverts, obviously.…