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Month: July 2014

(From 2014) Musical Play Needs Sponsors: LGBTQ, Race, Religion, More

My wife and I are from Central California. The region is hard to explain to outsiders, because people assume “California” means L.A. and San Francisco, yet geographically those are little dots within a sea of socially conservative counties. To this day, it feels more like the Deep South (circa 1976)…

Carnegie Mellon Statistician Roeder Finds Genetic Risk for Autism

Autism has a genetic foundation; it likely has many genetic forms, each with its own set of mutations. Press Release: Using New Statistical Tools, Carnegie Mellon’s Kathryn Roeder Finds Genetic Risk for Autism Stems Mostly From Common Genes -Carnegie Mellon News – Carnegie Mellon University I’ve written before about spontaneous, de…