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Little Progress in 16 Years: Writing Courses and Accommodations

Last updated on November 26, 2023

This special issue of Kairos was released in 2002:

And now, in 2018, I’m still presenting on the need for natural accommodations in writing courses. We have made little progress, sadly, in either our physical or online spaces.

Often, there is resistance to adjustments, such as transcripts or captioning of videos. How can 16 years pass and we’re having the same debates?

Composition and Rhetoric: Resisting change while we claim to be agents of change.

Our discipline should be ashamed that there are still active, heated discussions about how difficult accommodating special needs is for instructors. No, it isn’t. You make a choice not to do the work and your institutions / departments choose not to invest in the technology to help provide these accommodations.

Budgets and schedules are rhetorical. What message are these instructors and programs sending?

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