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Tag: sensory overload

Parenting Our Children and ‘Helpful’ Advice

Unsolicited advice comes from many directions, including from other autistics. “You just need to be more patient.” “You probably don’t understand your daughters’ Neurodiversity.” “You might not know the difference between a tantrum and a meltdown.” Our many failings as parents have been documented and relayed to us by teachers,…

Classroom Bias Against Autistics

Classroom spaces, physical and virtual, present numerous barriers to academic achievement for disabled students. Compound these spaces with ableist teaching practices and it is little wonder schooling traumatizes many students. “Today’s classrooms better meet the social and academic needs of students,” I’ve heard experts proclaim. Really? Which students? Surely not…

Podcast Episode 071 – A Spectrum of Food Challenges

Podcast Episode 0071, Season 5, Episode 2; 28 September 2021 Parenting and Food Challenges A follower wrote: Do your children eat anything other than chicken nuggets? My autistic child won’t eat fruits, vegetables, or most meats. It’s cereal, chips, and nuggets. Susan and I are fortunate. The girls and I eat mostly healthy foods. Fruits,…

Disabled by Autistic Traits… and It’s Nobody’s Fault

“The world isn’t designed for the neurodiverse,” is a claim I read over and over on social media. “It’s made for neurotypicals.” Another variation uses “autistics” and “allistics” instead of neurodiverse and neurotypical, but not every non-autistic (allistic) is neurotypical, so I’m not sure that works as well at conveying…

Podcast Episode 056 – My Neurodiverse Daughters

Podcast Episode 0056; Season 04, Episode 20; February 16, 2021 They Begged… So This is Their Episode Daddy tends to be a pushover when the girls ask to learn. This time, they wanted to learn how the podcasting gear works. So, we set up the Zoom R16, three microphones, and off we went.…

Podcast Episode 034 – Holiday Planning and Survival Guide

Podcast Episode 0034; Season 03, Episode 06; November 25, 2019 The holiday season includes a lot of sensory inputs, social interactions, traveling, and more. In this episode, I offer a few tips based on our experiences as a family. Our daughters should have great memories of the holidays. To ensure…

Podcast Episode 012 – Autistic Burnout and Summer Socializing

Podcast 0012; Season 01, Episode 12; June 12, 2018 During the summer months, I need to ease off some of my workload to better manage time with family. After this podcast was recorded, I found that I did need to take a break from our littlest one’s pre-K graduation because…