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Category: General

Why I Dislike Neurotypical (and Other Terms, too)

Neuro, the Greek-based root for Neurodiversity, neurology, and neurons, draws attention to the physical nature of the brain and the greater nervous system. With my doctorate in rhetoric, I get stuck on words and meaning. More accurately, my obsession with precise meaning and clear communication likely guided me towards the…

Pandemic Parenting Continues as Creative Me Fades Away

Another late night of trying to balance the homeschooling summer routine, my projects, and some volunteer work. It’s after 1 a.m. and I’ve been working on the 2021-22 school plans for the girls, organizing long-overdue blog updates, watching movies for AutFest Texas 2021, and hoping that I might some night…

The Hidden Curriculum, Homeschooling, and Social Skills Concerns

We have made the decision to continue with homeschooling, for many reasons. It’s frustrating, but we know the girls are doing much better academically and emotionally at home. Our daughters are going into the fourth and second grades. I’m conflicted because I know how important social skills are… and I…

Podcast Episode 065 – Pandemic Parenting and a Hope for Normal

Podcast Episode 0065; Season 04, Episode 29; June 1, 2021 Throughout the experience of pandemic parenting, I held onto the hope for productivity. However, my focus quickly shifted from my creative works to educating my daughters and their needs have remained my primary concern. As the pandemic seems to be waning,…

Agile Development: Ableist Extroverts Setting Agendas

I used to consider software development one of the few careers, outside librarians and medical examiners, surely insulated from the extroverts too often in charge of human society. Then, along came various project management schemes that forced programmers to act like extroverts. This post discusses Agile software development project management…