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Tag: writing

Podcast Episode 055 – Poet Peter Joseph Gloviczki on the Power of Poetry

Podcast Episode 0055; Season 04, Episode 19; February 9, 2021 On Poetry and Me Discussing poetry with published poet Peter Joseph Gloviczki was another example of learning while recording a podcast. I take a lot of notes whenever I have a conversation with Peter. I must disclose, I consider him a friend,…

Podcast Episode 051 – Autistic Podcasting and Blogging

Podcast 0051; Season 04, Episode 15; December 29, 2020 This episode features reflections on being an Autistic Podcaster and Blogger. Every blog post and podcast episode takes a great deal of effort. I know it takes me more effort than it should. I know writers who manage to post daily…

My Interests and Passions Don’t Include Autism

Recently, a Facebook follower asked what interests me. What are my passions? Some are surprised to learn that my interests and passions don’t include autism. I love music and art, but I’m great at neither music nor art. I am good with technology and love all things computer-related. So, naturally,…

Little Progress in 16 Years: Writing Courses and Accommodations

This special issue of Kairos was released in 2002: And now, in 2018, I’m still presenting on the need for natural accommodations in writing courses. We have made little progress, sadly, in either our physical or online spaces. Often, there is resistance to adjustments, such as transcripts or captioning of…

College Courses: Writing Instructor as Gatekeeper

Required college composition courses often serve a gatekeeping function, ensuring that only the right sort of students advance towards degrees. Though anecdotal, every campus course-related hearing I’ve been involved in as an expert on autism and neurodiversity was a writing course. These were not always first-year composition, but they were…